SAMW! Ask anyone, it’s the best! Wouldn’t it be great to have SAMW all year? Well, maybe we can, some day. But for now, we can enjoy a big slice of SAMW at the WINTER WEEK-END in Febrruary, when we all could really use something. Expect the usual: a beautiful setting in the woods; an acoustically perfect Chapel venue; intimate classes and jams with the stellar performers; breakfast, lunch and dinner with the performers. Perhaps unexpected: the food is abundant, and the desserts…! Legendary.
Staff are Lui Collins, Susie Burke and David Surrette, John Doershuk and Lorraine and Bennett Hammond
The location is in Groton, Massachusetts, at Grotonwood Camp and Conference Center ( Lodging and six meals are included. Registration will open at 4:00 on Friday afternoon. Dinner is at six. We’re due to leave the campus on Sunday by 3:00. Groton is about an hour northwest of downtown Boston. The camp is in a beautifully wooded area, and facilities are comfortable. Most rooms are doubles. The bathrooms are shared. The food is hearty, and the desserts are legendary. Walking between buildings is on fairly level ground, give or take possible snow banks! Oh – and there are several working fireplaces.
To make your reservation, please phone or email Patty Domeniconi directly:
Phone – 617-287-6915 Email –
(Plan to bring your own bedding if possible. There is a $15.00 surcharge/person if Grotonwood supplies the bedding. The camp supplies a pillow and blanket for each bed. Advance notice is required.)