Singing With The Mountain Dulcimer
Some great songs with techniques for backing both vocals and instrumentals. New players can learn the basics while more experienced players develop full accompaniments. All levels. Suitable for both three and four string dulcimers.
Slide Dulcimer
Slide dulcimer? Why not? I picked up lipstick case and first tried it in the 1970s after a chance meeting with Memphis bluesman Bukka White. We’ll find some great blues and classic country sounds. Slides available from the teacher. Intermediate. Three or four equidistant strings.
Bagpipe Tuning
All D all the time. Bagpipe tuning, (one D an octave lower than the others) and Galax tuning (unison Ds) have strong folk roots, lots of flexibility and are great for that ‘high lonesome’ dulcimer sound. Beginners.
Old-Timey Mountain Dulcimer
Great West Virginia old-timey songs and tunes and useful back-up techniques. An intermediate level workshop starting in D-a-d’. Three or four equidistant strings.
Hammers & Pulls
These left hand ornaments lend grace, bounce and expression to our music. We’ll combine tunes and exercises to make these techniques manageable and fun. An intermediate level workshop starting in D-a-d’. Three or four equidistant strings.
For Singers And Other Instruments
Clawhammer Banjo
Two keys, no re-tuning. We’ll play two double’C tunes, one major and one minor. Intermediate/advanced.
Meet The Folk Harp
Hear some lovely music and learn about this ancient instrument. Lecture/demonstration.
Scottish Music For Folk Harp
The Scottish repertoire of harp music is filled with beautiful melodies and we will play several of them with attention to ornamentation and flow. Advanced Beg./Intermediate.
Mandolin Basics
For folks who haven’t played before, and those who can play a little but could use some guidance. Get off to a playful start on this folkie descendent of the lute.
Singing For The Confidence Impaired
Lorraine is an experienced singing teacher who delights in helping folks find their expressive musical voice. Everyone is welcome for warm-ups, vocal techniques, simple songs and plenty of fun.
Guitar Aand Banjo
De-Mystifying The Guitar Fingerboard
You’ll always know where you are on the fingerboard, no matter what key you’re in, when you can see the Big Picture where there are three basic chord shapes and connectedness is everything.
Drop D Guitar Tuning
Retune one string and you have a whole easy new range from easy power chords and easy bass runs to easy chordal harmonics and easy melody picking. Intermediate/advanced.
Rockafolkie Banjo
Bennett has a lively distinctive banjo-picking style and he’ll teach fingerpicking tricks and tunes. Intermediate.
Lorraine & Bennett
Harmony Singing
We’ll explore how to decide when to sing a harmony part, and how we know what the harmony notes ought to be. We’ll use simple songs and establish some basic guidelines for creating pleasing vocal harmonies.
Old Timey Jam – (Or Basic Folk Repertoire)
The jam session can be intimidating. We’ll offer plenty of support and encouragement. We’ve been leading these for years and love the satisfaction of playing playfully in a group where everyone is contributing to the great overall sound.